About us

First FutureBooks

Thanks to the support of the dean of the faculty, prof. MUDr. Martina Vokurky, CSc., in cooperation with the UK spin-off FutureBooks, we have launched at the 1. LF UK  the new First FutureBooks electronic library.

Enter the world of experience with interactive books.

You have a unique opportunity to publish your own book and use the sales services of our e-shop.


What our e-books offers


Video, animation, simulation, quizes with feedback and much more.

Availability on any device

Responsive design for mobiles, tablets and computers.

Personal customization for comfortable reading

Eye-friendly night mode, font types and size settings for students with SVP.

Off-line mode

You are able to save books to your device. On your mobile phone and also directly on your computer in your browser.

Students and employees of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University can read e-books for free

All students and employees of the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University can read all e-books in the category LF1 UK without restrictions and for free. All you have to do is log in with the faculty account  in CAS UK via EduID and all electronic books in the category will be unlocked for you automatically.

New book

Dějiny klasické anatomie

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You can now purchase an extensive monograph in our e-shop by Professor Antonín Doležal entitled History of Classical Anatomy.

Mobile app

We are preparing mobile applications

Thanks to our mobile applications, you will always have all the purchased e-books at your hands. You save the book to your mobile or tablet to be able to read offline, including images, videos and interactive elements.

Involved institutions

Contributors to the website and publications include